Chrysalis House provides substance use and mental health treatment services for women 18 years of age and older, while allowing their children to live onsite during their mother's program of recovery. We are located in Crownsville, Maryland and serve women from across the state.
We offer a residential treatment program, Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for women seeking ongoing outpatient treatment support, and aftercare in four supportive homes in the area. Sobriety, family preservation, parenting skills, dual diagnosis services, and employability are central focuses of Chrysalis House’s treatment services for women with substance use disorders.
If you or a loved one are in need of treatment, please reach out to us by calling 410-881-0211 or clicking HERE.
Check out our new brochure:
The mission of Chrysalis House Inc.
is to provide comprehensive recovery services that empower women to build a better life for themselves and their children.
Chrysalis House is Transforming!
With new leadership, a newly renovated facility,
and an enhanced treatment philosophy, our
arms are open for women and children in need.
• Expanded bed capacity totaling 50 beds
• New Exercise Gym
• Therapeutic Nature Trail - Coming Soon!
• Meditation Room
• On-Site Child Development Center
Chrysalis House is one of the four residential treatment centers in
the state that allow women to bring their children with them, thereby
removing a barrier to seeking treatment. Women with children or
women without children are eligible to participate in our unique program.
CHI only accepts clients with Medicaid insurance.